Medicine Pharamcist

The Misunderstood lives of Pharmacists


The misunderstood lives of pharmacists

Anachronistic concepts such as the apothecary and its alchemist that used to occupy the chemical dispensing field, are no longer relevant to today’s society, but what does a day in a pharmacists life really look like?

Pharmacists as we know dispense drugs and medications that are prescribed to patients by doctors and specialists. Sorting and counting the pills, capsules and tablets actually forms a very minor part of the pharmacists’ day, as most modern medicines are pre-packed per their recommended scheduling use and quantities. Many misconceptions circulate society regarding a pharmacists true duties and responsibilities, so lets explore the truth of the matter.

What do Pharmacists do on a daily basis?

Pharmacists require a very specific and comprehensive knowledge base of medicine the the chemicals that they are formulated from in order to explain to customers how the medicine works, how to take the medicine and possible side effects caused by the medicine.

In addition to this service, pharmacists will also make use of digital filing systems to keep patient records on so that they may advise patients regarding allergies or the unintentional combination of medicines causing possibly volatile results. It has become even more important in a globalised market that pharmacists attentively aid patients in selecting appropriate and ideal over the counter medicines from a now vast selection available.

Pharmacist or business owner?

In the case of many Alpha Pharm community pharmacies, the pharmacist is also the owner of the pharmacy itself. As such their daily routine includes a myriad of tasks related to successful business management, to mention only a few:


  • Taking stock counts, ordering and buying new stock (consider about all the different things that you can buy at an Alpha Pharm pharmacy)


  • Setting competitive prices and doing financial bookkeeping.


  • Hiring competent staff and ensuring that the pharmacy as a business is managed to a high degree of efficacy.

Any other responsibilities?

Having understood what pharmacist’s days look like in a nut shell, it is also important to consider that a vocation in dispensing scheduled medicine holds a lot of responsibilities attached to it. These scheduled medicines are strictly controlled by laws to protect members of the public, in accordance with these laws the pharmacists need to take the time every year to keep in accordance with the constantly changing policies. Additionally pharmacists need to keep track not only of the medicines that they dispense but also of expired medicines and leftover pills that customers return for safe and ethical destruction.

Renaissance men and women

After looking into the work lives of pharmacists, it becomes increasingly clear that caring, professional and attentive community pharmacists not only still have a role in globalised society, but their role has become absolutely vital to the patients journey of good health and prosperity.

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