Ansfrere Pharmacy
Situated conveniently in Roodepoort
Annatjie Nel, current pharmacist, became the responsible pharmacist and manager from November
2018 for Ansfrere. She finished her degree in 1990. With experiences in community, corporate and
own business, gives her the expertise that is needed in a corporate as well as community-based
pharmacy as Alpha Corporate is offering in communities.
Besides her normal B.Pharm degree she qualified as a PCDT pharmacist in 2019 and is registered at
the Department Of Health with a Section 22A (15)permit for the purposes of prescribing and
dispensing by pharmacists within their scope of practice(Primary Care Drug Therapy).
Ansfrerepharmacies’ staff members are like family……if you spend 8 hours a day with co-workers
they become like family. As families are not perfect so are, we, BUT our customers are the best that
we can ask for and we try our utmost best to fulfill in their health and normal well-being needs.
Ansfrere Pharmacy open its doors in1960 in Discovery. In 1982 it was part of the Family Circle Group
and Kobus de Beer bought Mr DR Hargreaves shares from him. In 1989 the pharmacy was upgraded
and the shop next to pharmacy became part of the pharmacy. During 1994 Adcock Ingram Group
withdraw from South Africa and sold their 50% shares to Kobus. Until 2018 Kobus de Beer was
owner of Ansfrere Pharmacy before he sold the pharmacy to Alpha Pharm Group.
• Free delivery in 10 km radius
• Kodak developing unit in pharmacy.
• Alpha Doc
• Screening tests (Blood pressure/Glucose/Peak flow/ Reproductive health)
• Medicines use review (with/without dispensing)
• PCDT consultation:
• Diarrhoea, chronic, in adults (Giardiasis), Nausea and vomiting (non-specific), Dyspepsia, heartburn and indigestion.
• Acne vulgaris
• Dysmenorrhea, Contraception (injection), Contraception (oral)
• Cystitis (Adults)
• Tick bite fever, Animal bites, Human bites, Insects stings and spider bites
• Gout (acute), Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Pneumonia uncomplicated in adults, Acute asthma & acute exacerbations
• Conjunctivitis, bacterial
• Otitis externa, Otitis media (acute), Sinusitis (acute, bacterial), Tonsillitis and
• Anaphylaxis
• Occupational Post Exposure HIV Prophylaxis for healthcare worker (HCW)
• Angina pectoris (unstable), Hypertensive emergencies in adults,
Hypertension in adults
• Type 1 Diabetes in adults, Type 2 Diabetes in adults
• Epilepsy in adults
Trading Hours
Monday 8am–5pm
Tuesday 8am–5pm
Wednesday 8am–5pm
Thursday 8am–5pm
Friday 8am–5pm
Saturday 8am–1pm
Sunday Closed